product design, branding, and strategy


We were contacted by the Headache and Migraine Center at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to discuss better ways of improving doctor-patient care and communication. Consistent headache symptom-tracking and reporting was an ongoing issue within the department.



We were contacted by the Headache and Migraine Center at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to discuss better ways of improving doctor-patient care and communication. Consistent headache symptom-tracking and reporting was an ongoing issue within the department.

In researching their clientele, we found that an iPhone application could help greatly standardize their communication and symptoms reporting process. We led the Migraine team in concepting and designing iMigraine–a mobile headache and migraine symptoms tracking application for patients and doctors.

The application featured a streamlined user-experience, designed for patients who are most likely experiencing head-pain during usage. The information collected by the application enables a medical professional to analyze patient data more efficiently and provide different treatments and advice for management.


Mobile Application



User Experience

Interface Design

Brand Development