product design, branding, and strategy




Year after year, Nike has proven to be one of the best story tellers in the world. However, their internal process has often fallen short in maintaining institutional knowledge and feedback around product launches.

Unlike standard operations like payroll, HR, finance, there wasn’t one source of truth to manage their innovative outward communications strategy—leaving existing SaaS platforms unfit to support a unique organization like Nike. Working collaboratively with their Global Communications Team we designed and built a single system of record for their team that empowered stronger global collaboration, efficiency, and productivity.

During the planning phases of the project, we worked to create a clear focus around the team’s wants and needs. This laid the ground work for developing a workplan and product roadmap that was used to inform the design and development of the product. With an iterative and agile approach, allowing us to scale teams up and down when nessesary, we were able to build and test the product incrementally while leveraging end-user feedback from all levels within the organizations.

With a future vision in place, the construction of the product quickly began with wireframes and development testing. Allowing Nike’s team to test core features, input real data, and provide feedback. The Wireframing > Development > Feedback loops were completed in 1-2 week sprints.


This process informed the overall concept and helped prioritize features, hierarchy of data/content, and the design of key components of the product. Helping all stakeholders understand and conceptualize the product in a way that allowed for quick decision making and execution.

Through these incremental sprints, we quickly identified that a modular design system was key to the success of the product. Nike’s team members worked at different levels of the product. Some team members worked on a macro-level in order to organize and plan product launches while others were required to dive deep into a product to manage assets and monitor media engagement in real time.

Product Design

Interface Design
